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When it comes to practicing safer sex, condoms are a no-brainer. They’re cheap, easy to find, and provide a barrier of protection that can help prevent unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV/AIDS.
You can use them during virtually any sex act, too, not just vaginal or anal sex. A flavored condom can add an extra dimension of fun to giving oral sex. Likewise, if you’re using sex toys together, careful condom use could make cleaning up less of a hassle.
Condoms also represent freedom and respect, says Logan Levkoff, Ph.D., a sexuality and relationship health educator. “It’s funny, because people don’t tend to think about them in that way. But they give people the freedom to share their body in lots of different ways with another person and still [reduce the risk of STIs] and pregnancy, which nothing else that we currently have on the market can do.”
What is a condom?
Condoms are a barrier between genitals used during sexual contact. Most of them look like a thin sheath that covers the penis. They come in various sizes, materials, colors, and even flavors. Condoms work to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of transmitting STIs.
How effective are condoms?
When used perfectly, condoms can be up to 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy, according to Planned Parenthood. That said, most people don’t perfectly apply them, and in real-world use they are about 87% effective at preventing pregnancy.
They can also drastically reduce the risk of transmitting STIs. Analyzing the bulk of scientific data we have about HIV prevention indicates a 60-70% effectiveness rate. But people who consistently use condoms are 10-20 times less likely to be exposed. When you account for correctness and consistency, condoms may be 90 to 95% effective at protecting against HIV transmission.
But despite the well-documented benefits of condoms, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate there are approximately 20 million new STI infections annually in the U.S.
According to the most recent data from the Guttmacher Institute, fewer than half of all U.S. pregnancies occur at “about the right time.” Slightly over half happen earlier than hoped for or were not desired at all.
Why do so few people use condoms?
The issue is that people don’t always see condoms as a sensual thing that’ll make sex better, says sexologist Tanya Bass, Ph.D., and that’s a big problem. “We make condoms so prevention-focused, we take the sexy right out of using them.”
As part of a sexual health toolkit, condoms matter, especially if you’re dating or practicing non-monogamy and don’t want to fluid-bond with a partner. But they’re not just a product you “have to” use—they can also be fun.
How to put on a condom
Putting a condom on correctly is crucial to making the most of the protection it offers. Here are some steps to properly use a condom. You’ll want to put the condom on after the penis is erect, but before it touches anyone else’s mouth, genitals, or anus. * Start by taking the condom out of its wrapper. * Make sure the condom is right-side out! If you realize it’s wrong after you’ve touched it to the tip of the penis, you may now have preejaculate on the condom. This would render its protective efficacy moot. * If the person using the condom is uncircumcised, pull back the foreskin. * Place the condom on the head of the penis. * For condoms with a reservoir tip—a nipple-like curvature at the tip of the condom that helps catch semen and reduce breakage—pinch the air out of the tip. This reduces the chance of air bubbles and allows more room for fluid. * Unroll the condom so that it covers the entire penis.
While it’s not an issue of fit, a condom’s reservoir tip can cause some discomfort during use. It may feel too binding during penetrative sex, even when used properly. The good news for wearers who dislike reservoir tips is that they aren’t universal.
Some options, like the baseball-bat shaped Trojan Ecstasy, have rounded ends that may feel less restrictive. According to Levkoff, a condom shouldn’t be loose at the base, so if it is, you may want to switch brands.
Also, under no circumstances should you use two condoms at once. So-called “double bagging” is more likely to produce friction and could increase the risk that the condom breaks. Likewise, never reuse condoms. When you’re done, hold the condom tight to the base of your penis as you pull it, remove it, and dispose of it immediately.
The longer you keep a condom on after orgasm, the more uncomfortable it’ll feel during the refractory period. (That is, the period after orgasm when the penis becomes soft again, before it’s able to regain an erection).
What are the types of condoms?
“We tend to think of condoms as the condoms that were around 30, 50 years ago, not the ones that are actually available today,” says Levkoff. With so many sizes, shapes, and textures to choose from now, picking the right one can seem overwhelming. There are some basic types of prophylactic you might see: * External condoms are worn over the penis. These are far and away the most common, and they’re the focus of the bulk of this article. * Internal condoms go inside of the vagina or rectum. While roughly as effective as the external variety, they’re far less commonly-used. * Dental dams aren’t strictly condoms, but they’re very related. These thin sheets of material (usually latex) act as a barrier between the mouth and the vagina or anus when giving oral sex.
What are the best condoms?
There’s no one right type of condom, as everyone has different needs. Even among external condoms, there are a host of different materials and varieties, like * Latex * Non-latex (usually polyisoprene or polyurethane) * Lambskin * Novelty condoms * Spermicidal * Internal condoms(also/formerly known as “female condoms”) * Dental dams
Latex condoms
If you’ve ever grabbed a handful of free condoms before, chances are they were latex. Latex accounts for about 80% of the condoms made in the U.S.
They’re the most common type available, and they can be 99.9% effective against pregnancy when used correctly and help reduce the risk of STIs. “For the most part, latex condoms have been the tried-and-true condom of choice,” says Bass.
You can get them pre-lubricated or non-lubricated, and the variations go from there. For example, ultra-thin latex condoms may increase sensitivity for penis-owners and give them more sensation during penetration.
However, be sure to avoid oil-based lubes and petroleum jelly when you’re using latex. Both can break down the latex and reduce the condom’s overall effectiveness.
What are non-latex condoms made of?
While latex condoms are incredibly popular, the material can pose problems for some people. Allergic reactions are uncommon, thought to affect only 4.3% of the general population. That said, they can be serious.
Signs of a latex allergy can include itching, rash, and/or hives. In severe cases, it could also lead to wheezing, coughing, and/or anaphylactic shock.
Fortunately, non-latex condoms made from polyisoprene or polyurethane can be an excellent alternative. Made from plastic, polyurethane condoms tend to feel very thin (even thinner than ultra-thin latex), while synthetic-rubber polyisoprene is ultra-stretchy and may have more flexibility than ordinary latex.
“They are typically able to conform to the genitals for a more natural feeling,” says Bass. If you have a severe latex allergy, you may want to avoid polyisoprene as it’s still technically within the latex family, but be sure to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions.
What are lambskin condoms?
Lambskin (also known as natural membrane) condoms are another alternative to latex. Made from lamb intestines, they had their first recorded use back in Ancient Greece (sort of—these ancient condom were worn internally) and can be 98% effective in protecting against pregnancy with perfect use.
However, Levkoff doesn’t recommend them because they contain microscopic pores. That means that lambskin doesn’t offer any protection against HIV or other STIs. “Other condoms do not have any holes in them whatsoever,” adds Levkoff. “It’s really important that people keep that in mind if they’re considering lambskin/natural membrane condoms.”
Lambskin condoms aren’t as widespread as latex, either—they account for just 5% of the overall condom production in the U.S. They’re also significantly more expensive than most other condoms. (A box of 10 costs a little over $30, for reference).
Those who prefer them tend to enjoy the scent—they give off a somewhat floral, perfume-like fragrance. Fans also claim they transmit body heat more effectively than latex, allowing the wearer to feel more sensation. However, given the increased STI risks, you may want to avoid them.
What are novelty condoms?
Most novelty condoms—including flavored condoms and glow-in-the-dark varieties—are latex, so they technically aren’t a separate “type” of condom. However, they feel different to use and may introduce some much-needed joie de vivre into sex.
Experts urge caution when using them, though. Most novelty condoms are not regulated the way standard latex or non-latex options. Some particular varieties—like temperature-enhancing condoms—may cause irritation for some people.
Additionally, Levkoff notes that flavored condoms contain glucose, which may lead to yeast infections for vulva owners if used during penetrative sex. Still, novelty condoms can be a playful substitute for ordinary prophylactics. Flavored condoms in particular are perfect for oral sex and are easy to cut up if you want to create your own dental dam.
Are spermicidal condoms safe?
Spermicides kill sperm on contact. Most of them do so with the chemical nonoxynol-9 as the active ingredient. They come in a variety of forms, including creams, films, foams, and even as a lubricant on certain latex condoms.
These spermicidal condoms sound great in theory, because they offer an extra layer of protection. Not so fast though, says Levkoff.
While she recalls that they were considered important to use during the early days of the HIV epidemic, sex educators have since backtracked on this. “If you’re having sex multiple times a day, [spermicide] could cause irritation vaginally or anally, because of the harshness of the chemical.”
Common side effects of spermicide use include itching, burning, and/or a rash. It may also lead to urinary tract infections.
Spermicide also isn’t incredible as a standalone form of birth control. When used by itself, it’s one of the least effective methods for pregnancy prevention, with a 28% failure rate, according to the CDC.
Most importantly, spermicide alone is ineffective against STIs, and studies have shown it may actually increase the risk of HIV transmission. This may be due to the irritation it causes to sensitive genital tissue, which in turn could make your body more susceptible to the virus.
What are female condoms?
Internal condoms (once referred to as female condoms) are designed to be worn inside a vagina or rectum. They’re about as effective as their external counterparts at reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy and STI transmission. But ask most sexually active adults if they’ve ever tried this type of condom, and chances are, they haven’t.
Part of the reason is that these nitrile-and-polyurethane condoms, which were first introduced in 1993, are not widely available anymore, says Bass. (Only one brand, FC2 still makes them.)
The condoms look different, with a ring at both ends to help hold it in place, but also have a more complicated insertion process than external condoms, and the insertion method differs depending on if you’re using one for vaginal or anal sex.
That said, for people who have difficulty maintaining an erection with external condoms, they can be a terrific alternative because they’re not as restrictive. As a bonus, the outer ring—which covers the vulva during vaginal sex but can also reach the clitoris for some people—may provide added stimulation during intercourse.
Another perk of internal condoms is that you can use any type of lube with them (yes, even oil!).
What are Dental Dams?
A dental dam is a flat barrier used for protection during oral sex. Dental dams are usually made of latex or polyurethane. While oral sex can’t lead to pregnancy, dental dams may reduce the risk of STI transmission. When engaged in cunnilingus or analingus, a dental dam can be an important safety measure. To use a dental dam: * Open the package and remove the dental dam. * Lay it flat over the vagina or anus and keep it there for the duration of oral sex. * Discard it when done. Don’t reuse a dental dam, just like you wouldn’t reuse a condom.
You can also make a dental dam out of a condom, in a pinch. Use scissors to remove the tip and the bottom of the condom, then make a slit down one side. Unroll the condom and you should have a flat sheet that you can use for a dental dam.
What size condom is right for you?
The average penis measures about 5.1 inches erect. As most standard condoms are stretchy and designed to fit sizes up to 7.5 inches erect, most people don’t need to measure themselves unless they really want to.
That’s not to say that some condoms aren’t more comfortable than others. “Condoms are not a one size fits all,” says Bass. It’s all about preference, and while they’re meant to feel tight, if a wearer thinks that a condom is extremely constricting, it may be time to reassess things.
Understanding condom sizes can help. Snug-fit condoms, which are typically latex, are ideal for those penises up to 4.7 inches erect. For those with penises over 7.5 inches erect, large condoms are likely preferable.
For a more tailored fit, One Condoms offers customizable sizing, which Bass recommends for anyone looking for a condom that works precisely for their anatomy.
No matter what, it’s crucial to be sure about your measurements. Wearing the wrong condom size (too big or too small) can increase the risk of breakage or slippage. When in doubt, roll it out.
Do condoms expire?
Condoms don’t last forever. They’re made from materials that degrade over time. And because they’re considered medical devices, most have an expiration date of about three to five years from the time of manufacture.
If you can avoid it, don’t use an expired condom. However, if your choices are limited, you’re better off wrapping it up. “An expired condom is absolutely better to use than nothing at all,” says Levkoff.
Bass agrees—if your aim is risk reduction, it’s the safer way to go. “We teach people that it’s all-or-nothing and don’t give them options,” she adds. “But you still have a level of protection that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.”
Store condoms in a cool, dry place to help them maintain efficacy as long as possible. If you aren’t sure if a condom is safe to use, check the wrapper for the expiration date, which should be clearly visible. If the condom has been stored properly and is within a year of the expiration date, Levkoff says it should still be fine to use if necessary.
Aside from checking for an expiration date, squeeze the wrapper to see if there’s an air bubble inside to make sure that the wrapper itself is still sealed properly. Finally, take a close look at the condom itself. If it feels stiff, has visible tears, or gives off a pungent odor, these could all be signs that the condom is on the decline. Trust your instincts, say the experts.
What lubes are safe with condoms?
You may know that some lubes are better in certain situations than others. For instance, it’s better to use water-based lubricants with silicone sex toys. Silicone-based lubricants can cause the silicone in the toys to break down, causing microfissures that give bacteria places to hide.
The good news is that water-based and silicone-based lubes are both fine to use with most condoms, which tend to be made of latex. The one type of lube to avoid using with latex is oil-based.
Should you use condoms on sex toys?
While it may seem unnecessary, using condoms on dildos and other toys can be a good way to practice safer sex and minimize the spread of germs, especially if you’re in an open relationship or engaging in group sex. “If you’re using toys with a partner or potentially more than one partner, it’s absolutely a good idea to use condoms,” says Levkoff.
Condoms keep fluids from bonding to the toy itself. That can make switching partners or positions—i.e., going from anal to oral play—more hygienic. Just remember to swap them out. If you’re using a condom-clad toy with multiple partners at once, that defeats the entire purpose of using one.
Even if you’re using toys solo, condoms can make cleanup a little easier.
Levkoff points out that the shape of the toy can determine how easy it is to use a condom. A toy that’s phallic-shaped, like a dildo, is easy. Trying to put a condom on a Magic Wand vibrator, on the other hand, could pose challenges.
But also, don’t overthink it. “There’s no reason that we should be struggling in the heat of the moment to figure out which condom is the right one for a toy,” she adds. Plan in advance where you can, but above all, stay playful—it’s as important to your sex life as safety is.